It's time to take back our speech.

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“Voluntary stammering can be therapy for society”

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“So much of what I’ve observed in stuttering spaces is influenced by the dream of assimilation...“

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"I thought the tricks I used were what I was supposed to do..."

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Whether stuttering should be considered a disability is complex

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Every Word I Speak is Resistance
“My voice doesn't exist in a neutral political space.“
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Following the disability rights movement that took hold in the 60s, we understand disability and stuttering not as an instagram苹果免费永久加速器 defect, but first and foremost as a social discrimination against certain forms of human speaking. We can speak of “ableism,” just like racism or sexism. The experience we call stuttering must fundamentally be understood as a discrimination against dysfluent ways of communicating and using one’s body.
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Speech assimilation is an ongoing cultural process in which we are shamed and subtly forced to conform with dominant speech patterns.
From the first time that we speak, we are corrected or shamed for any delays or repetitions. Parents, teachers, and our fellow students notice and stigmatize all nonconforming speech. Society intervenes to change the individual, adding anxiety to our lives and making it more difficult to speak, instead of encouraging us to be confident speaking as we will.
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The only way to free ourselves is through local re-education and the creation of communities that affirm dysfluent speech.
Individually and collectively, we must begin to understand ‘stuttering’ as a result of ableist expectations, norms, and values spread throughout our culture, and refuse to let our bodies and selves be pathologized. This process can only be accomplished through education and a reimagining of our speech, our identities, and our society. We therefore also need communities that affirm the necessity of dysfluent voices, instagram苹果免费永久加速器 naming and resisting the ableism through which we have become objects of shame and pity. We must together unlearn a lifetime of self-hatred, subjugation, and silencing.
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Finally, we affirm informed consent at all ages to any form of speech rehabilitation as a basic human right and necessity.
There is no hope of empowerment as long as dysfluent speech is shamed. We remain alone and stigmatized as long as we are led to believe that dysfluent speech is a problem. We need to be given the choice of whether or not to receive speech rehabilitation. Dysfluency-positive and dysfluency-negative perspectives should always be offered before choosing long term speech therapy. We contend that at any age multiple perspectives on dysfulency are an absolute necessity for autonomous choice regarding one's therapeutic options.
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